3 of the best Structured features you're not using yet

Unlock untapped potential in data management with Structured's underused features: Automated Data Lineage & Real-Time Workspaces

 min. read
May 12, 2024
3 of the best Structured features you're not using yet

3 of the Best Structured Features You're Not Using Yet

Structured is revolutionizing the way businesses manage their data, offering a suite of powerful features designed to streamline operations, enhance analytics, and improve decision-making. While many users are familiar with its core functionalities, there are several underutilized features that can significantly elevate your organization's data management capabilities. Here, we explore three of Structured's best features that you might not be using yet—but definitely should.

1. Automated Data Lineage Visualization

Data lineage visualization is a game-changer for understanding how data moves through your systems, yet it remains underexploited by many Structured users.

Why It Matters:

  • Enhanced Transparency: Visualizing data lineage offers clear insights into the origin, transformation, and destination of your data, ensuring transparency across operations.
  • Error Identification and Resolution: Quickly identify where errors occur in data processing and take corrective actions, significantly reducing troubleshooting time.

How to Leverage It:

  • Integrate your data sources with Structured and activate the data lineage feature to automatically map out the journey of your data.
  • Use the visualizations to conduct audits, improve data governance, and streamline data workflows.

2. Real-Time Collaboration Workspaces

The real-time collaboration workspaces feature facilitates seamless interaction between team members, yet many organizations have not fully embraced its collaborative potential.

Why It Matters:

  • Enhanced Team Productivity: By allowing team members to work together in real-time, Structured eliminates delays and misunderstandings, significantly boosting productivity.
  • Streamlined Decision-Making: Real-time data sharing and communication ensure that decisions are made quickly and based on the most current information.

How to Leverage It:

  • Set up dedicated workspaces for different projects or teams and invite relevant members to join.
  • Utilize the feature for brainstorming sessions, real-time data analysis, and collaborative report building.

3. AI-Driven Predictive Analytics

Structured's AI-driven predictive analytics can forecast trends and outcomes with remarkable accuracy, yet this powerful feature is often underutilized by businesses focused on traditional analytics methods.

Why It Matters:

  • Forward-Looking Insights: Move beyond analyzing past data to predicting future trends, enabling proactive decision-making.
  • Competitive Advantage: Leveraging predictive analytics can provide insights into market movements, customer behavior, and potential risks before they materialize, offering a significant competitive edge.

How to Leverage It:

  • Feed your historical data into Structured's predictive analytics tool to start generating forecasts.
  • Integrate these insights into your strategic planning processes, from marketing campaigns to inventory management.

Start Exploring What Works Best for You

Each of these features offers unique advantages that can transform the way your organization operates. Whether it’s gaining a deeper understanding of your data’s journey, enhancing team collaboration, or predicting future trends, Structured provides the tools you need to succeed.


Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your data with Structured? Dive into these features and discover how they can streamline your operations, enhance your analytics, and inform your decision-making. Get started with Structured today and take the first step towards leveraging these powerful, yet underutilized, features.

"The future of data management is not just in storing and analyzing information but in understanding its flow, collaborating on its implications, and predicting its future impact. Structured is your partner in this journey."